Children's Book "Brasil, Coração do Mundo"

Nesse mundão tem um país em forma de coração.

Lá nascem crianças que querem transformar o

futuro promovendo a paz.

Qual será esse lugar e sua missão?

Descubra se for capaz!

"In this big world there is a country in the shape of a heart.

Children are born there who want to transform the future promoting peace.

What will this place and its mission be?

Find out if you can!"

Inspired by the 200th anniversary of Brazil's Independence, author Juliana Leonel has written 5 books for the series called "Brasil, Coração do Mundo" (Brazil, world's heart).

The series of books was proposed to talk about Brazil in a creative way, following a less obvious direction, but without ceasing to represent so many qualities of the country. I looked for a color palette that would refer to the culture and diversity of regions.

It was published by Lêlé publishing house. The series was sponsored by Edict Retomada Cultural 2, of the Rio de Janeiro State Secretariat for Culture and Creative Economy.

All illustrations were done in watercolors on cotton paper

You can read the book here